On Wednesday, a group of baby ducks and their mother dropped by the Getty Center to take a dip in the fountain by the tram.
So you want to be a Roman soldier?
Where will you be stationed? How much will you make? Do you even qualify to enlist?
A new Getty publication uses real-life accounts to put readers in the barracks with Apion, a newly-enlisted Roman soldier in the 2nd century CE.
Segmental cuirass, an almost complete find from the battlefield of the Varus disaster
Afrofuturistic freedom dreaming
In Summer Azure, Black trans activist, afrofuturist, and artist Tourmaline floats above the tree line in a space helmet.
Watch curator Mazie Harris share why she is excited to welcome the photograph into Getty’s collection.
Mazie Harris, assistant curator of photographs
Quantifying identity
We owe much of our conception of modern identity to one source: a 19th-century police officer’s mugshots.
You might think that early photography is of little importance to us—but these images and their makers shaped how we see the world today.
Untitled (M. Bertillon)—Two Faces, 2012, Stéphanie Solinas. Paper, glass, and maple wood. Getty Museum, Gift of the artist. © Stéphanie Solinas
Make ancient pottery
Saturday June 15, 11 am to 3 pm
Getty Villa
Make your own clay vessel using ancient Greek, Mayan, and Moche techniques in this free, drop-in, family-friendly workshop.
Learn more and plan your visit
See an artist at work
Saturday June 15, 11 am to 2:30 pm
Getty Villa
Join ceramicist London James in this free, drop-in program for all ages, where she will be using molds to create contemporary clay pieces demonstrating modern techniques in the field.
Learn more and plan your visit
Artist-at-Work: Early Photographic Processes
Sunday June 16, 11:30 am to 2:30 pm
Getty Center
Photographer Francesco Fragomeni will explore the art and science of early photographic processes related to Hippolyte Bayard’s life and work.
Learn more and get free tickets
Self-Portrait (detail), about 1845–49, Hippolyte Bayard. Salted paper print. Getty Museum
Make a sunprint!
Sunday June 16 and 30, 11 am to 2:30 pm
Getty Center
Only two more opportunities to harness the power of the sun and make photographic prints called cyanotypes. This series ends this month.
Learn more about this free, drop-in family workshop
When a window frames a view just so…
From Get Inspired subscriber Luciana LoPresto:
“Last week while staying at the Convento Cefalù on Sicily’s northern coast I suddenly found myself mesmerized with my view of the Tyrrhenian Sea. Glad to have my iPhone handy. The rhythmic sound of the sea was occasionally interrupted only with the song of a seagull. Best night’s sleep ever!”
Have a window-framed scene “hanging” on your wall? Did you snap one somewhere else? Send us the photo! Include your name, camera used, location, and anything else you’d like to share at stories@getty.edu.
Photo: Luciana LoPresto