Top new questions this week:
I would like my application to have the transaction finality similar to “break” solana game. “break” does several optimisations to achieve the speeds it does as stated here – https:…
Just like @solana/pay did it. It’s possible to invoke an arbitrary transaction (for example a program instruction) using a QR code and scanning it for example from phantom mobile app?
I have a Game-program. Several users can play a game and receive a reward afterwards. When a user starts a game, I create a Game account in which I store the game state and the sum of rewards (just a …
pub fn startstuffoff(ctx: Context) -> Result<()> { let base_account = &mut ctx.accounts.base_account; base_account.total_gifs = 0; Ok(()) } pub fn add_gif(ctx: Context<…
Typically, when one creates a PDA, both the signing program and the owning program are the same. You have an account owned by Program A, such that: Only Program A can sign for this PDA, and Only …
I’m trying to combine the instructions from the metaplex create nft builder with a sol transfer instruction. I got this far: let useNewMint = Keypair.generate(); let localMeta = Metaplex.make(…
I was looking at the previous posts in this same forum and I think there are some caveats to be made on this topic.
Greatest hits from previous weeks:
I am struggling with creating a program that creates an Associated Token Account (ATA) for a mint I created. I am using the anchor_spl::associated_token for the task. Here is my code: use anchor_lang:…
I am trying to create associated token accounts for SPL Transfers and I keep running into Provided Owner not allowed. I have never seen this error before and I am checking to make sure the token …
Is this an account or is it an address? Why do I need it? What problem or use case does it solve? Why can’t I just use a regular account instead?
I have the following example private key: 4YFq9y5f5hi77Bq8kDCE6VgqoAqKGSQN87yW9YeGybpNfqKUG4WxnwhboHGUeXjY7g8262mhL1kCCM9yy8uGvdj7 It’s paired with the address: …
The Solana protocol frequently activates hard forks shipping new features, such as syscalls, builtin programs, or fee changes. Each feature is tracked in an account of the feature program. Who is …
I’m coming from Ethereum, and in Solidity we can pack data then hash it like keccak256(abi.encodePacked(typed_data1, typed_data2, ….)), and there is a corresponding approach in nodejs ethers.utils….
Trying to create a program that has the authority to mint tokens to the wallet signing the transaction. However, one of my tests keeps failing with: “insufficient account keys for instruction&…
Can you answer these questions?
I am trying to approve delegation of multiple NFTs without having multiple transactions. Is this possible with the metaplex js library? Here is the code: await this.metaplex.tokens()….
In ERC721 and ERC20, we write our smart contract, but in solana, we are only using cli or the javascript to deploy the existing written program (smart contract). Can we write our own program in solana,…
This is the code I have: const { Metaplex, keypairIdentity, bundlrStorage } = require(“@metaplex-foundation/js”); const { Connection, clusterApiUrl, Keypair } = require(“@solana/web3.js&…