Top new questions this week:
Slope Hypothesis Testing (Randall Munroe, xkcd) The problem with this comic is obviously that the “measurements” are not independent, violating a key assumption for computing valid p-values….
As I mentioned in the question title, I want to generate specific uniformly distributed samples. I need them to model a real world scenario. For my real data, I estimated a function, which …
From what I have learned, the alpha level tells you that if you repeat the experiment a bunch of times, then (alpha x 100)% of the time you will have a false positive. I’m confused though on if you’re …
Given that I have $C$ to spend on my experiment, what is the optimal number of individuals $n$ of my experiment? Say that I want to estimate the mean $\mu$ of distribution of individuals $$X_i \sim N(\…
Suppose I’m doing ordinary least squares with homoskedastic errors, so something like: $$ y = X \beta + \epsilon $$ where $\epsilon \sim \mathcal{N}(0,\sigma^2)$. I know how to estimate the expected …
Working on a two-part project. First, we’re estimating the total size of a very large population. Each member of the population has a standardized random 15-digit identifier, and we have guessed using …
Let $X_1,\dots, X_n$ be random sample from $Bernoulli(p)$. Compare the risks of the squared loss of two estimators of $p$: $$ \hat{p}_1=\bar{X}, \, \hat{p}_2=\frac{n\bar{X}+\alpha}{\alpha+\beta+n} $$…
Greatest hits from previous weeks:
My understanding was that descriptive statistics quantitatively described features of a data sample, while inferential statistics made inferences about the populations from which samples were drawn. …
The help pages in R assume I know what those numbers mean, but I don’t. I’m trying to really intuitively understand every number here. I will just post the output and comment on what I found out. …
Say I have some historical data e.g., past stock prices, airline ticket price fluctuations, past financial data of the company… Now someone (or some formula) comes along and says “let’s take/use …
How should one understand the keys, queries, and values that are often mentioned in attention mechanisms? I’ve tried searching online, but all the resources I find only speak of them as if the reader …
What is the difference between data mining, statistics, machine learning and AI? Would it be accurate to say that they are 4 fields attempting to solve very similar problems but with different …
Here is the article that motivated this question: Does impatience make us fat? I liked this article, and it nicely demonstrates the concept of “controlling for other variables” (IQ, career, income, …
The waiting times for poisson distribution is an exponential distribution with parameter lambda. But I don’t understand it. Poisson models the number of arrivals per unit of time for example. How is …
Can you answer these questions?
I’ve been working on a meta-analysis off and on for a while. I am at the analysis stage. Meaning that all relevant effect sizes have been computed. However, I need help understanding what to do when a …
In “The book of why”, Dr Pearl concludes that a BBG drug cannot exist after phrasing the sure-thing principle in ‘a more correct way’ (pg 214). He does this by first “insisting” …
I am interested in assessing the association between the two doses of a dietary supplement on an event of interest. The primary exposure is ‘two doses of the supplement’, and the comparator is ‘no …