Top new questions this week:
I am getting a json object from aws iot MQTT. Assuming that json from aws is {status:opened}. Here is my code. #include <ArduinoJson.h> void messageHandler(char *topic, byte *payload, unsigned …
I have two UNO boards from a few years ago. They look the same as far as chip placement goes. I can plug both in and get flashing lights on them, and when I hit the reset (2x the on-off) button, they …
The code below runs on an Arduino Pro Mini (8MHz 328p) sending temperature readings using an inexpensive ASK transmitter. I use OneWire to read the DS18B20s, and RadioHead to manage the radio. The …
#define monitor_pin 14 void setup() { pinMode(monitor_pin , INPUT); } void loop() { unsigned long d1 = pulseIn(14, HIGH); if (d1>0){//trigger function} } I know there is a function …
I am recording videos on Arduino IDE version 2. In one of the videos I want to explain how to enable a specific setting via the advanced properties. This requires using Ctrl+Shift+P (command palette). …
Greatest hits from previous weeks:
I want to make a circuit that control speed of DC fan Using Arduino PID Library to get thing at specific temperature. The circuit looks like this but can be changed, The dc fan motor connected to PWM …
I need to know how I can write integer values in EEPROM and retain the value on power on. char *Red = strstr(myTestUrl, “/R”); if (Red) { int RedValue = atoi(Red + 2); analogWrite(12, RedValue); …
What is the difference between print( ) and println( )? I see none when I run a code.
I’ve bought this module Kootek GY-521 MPU-6050 MPU6050 Module 3 Axis analog gyro sensors+ 3 Axis Accelerometer Module My project will involve affixing this to a moving object, moving at velocities …
I believe I can supply the Arduino with power in three different ways: Use USB. The design trusts the 5V to be regulated, and does not regulate it in any way. Use a regulated power source, trusted …
I have code for an ultrasonic sensor which I found from a site. Here is the code: #define trigPin 12 #define echoPin 13 void setup() { Serial.begin (9600); pinMode(trigPin, OUTPUT); pinMode(…
What are the advantages of each language when using the Arduino? I’m thinking this is a good general question, but I’ll add a bit about why I’m asking if anyone wants to give me a tip. I’m …