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Audrey Mullins, Mary Kelly, Mary Walsh and Margaret Wainwright enjoying the Harvest Ball at Killruddery.
Parish of Powerscourt with Kilbride.
Services at Powerscourt with Kilbride: All Services are available on the Parish YouTube Channel.
Service of Worship in St Patrick’s Church, Powerscourt, for this Sunday – The Third Sunday before Advent: 11.30 a.m. Morning Prayer two.
The local stories that matter in the Garden County, delivered directly to your inbox every week
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Service of Worship in St Brigid’s Church, Kilbride, for this Sunday – The Third Sunday before Advent: 9.45 a.m. – Holy Communion one.
Irish Trefoil Guild – Guiding for Life: Calling all former leaders of the Irish Girl Guides in Bray and the surrounding area. There is now a Trefoil Guild in Bray. Contact Anne at braytrefoilguild@gmail.com.
St Mary’s Church
Parish Website: enniskerryparish.ie is the parish website of the Immaculate Heart of Mary – check it out for the latest information about our parish.
Facebook page: There is a Facebook page for the parish of Enniskerry, incorporating all four churches which Facebook users will find under Enniskerry parish with a cover photo of trees and profile picture of a quote from Pope Francis. Please give it a like and feel free to post news from your community.
Updates; Keep an eye on our website. As soon as you open it you will see the latest in current news from the parish which will be updated every week. A notice board in the porch is currently dedicated to Pope Francis teachings. Take a look.
Enniskerry (also Curtlestown and Glencree) parish office opening times: Monday to Friday: 10 a.m. to 1 p.m.; email stmarys@enniskerryparish.ie; or call 01 2760030.
St Mochonog’s parish office opening times: Monday: 9 a.m. to 2 p.m., Tuesday: (by phone) 10 a.m. to 1 p.m., Wednesday: 10 a.m. to 2 p.m., Thursday (by phone) 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. Closed Friday.
Parish Churches Schedule of Masses: Schedule of Masses: Weekday Masses are celebrated in St Mary’s at 10.15 a.m. on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday. Please be aware that attending weekday Masses is in lieu of attending Sunday Mass. Prayer Services at 10.15 a.m. Wednesday and Saturday. Weekend Masses – Saturday at 6 p.m. and Sunday at 11 a.m. St Mochonog’s – Sunday at 10 a.m. St Patrick’s, Curtlestown – Sunday at 10 a.m. St Kevin’s, Glencree – 9 a.m. on the First Sunday of the month.
Mass in St Mochonog’s Church: Mass is celebrated in St Mochonog’s Church, Kilmacanogue each Wednesday at 10 a.m. – tea and coffee will be served after Mass.
Signed Mass Cards: These are available in the parish office. An offering is received with gratitude and in another way of supporting your local clergy. If you pay for a Mass Offering online using the Donate button on our website please email the office with your intention – thank you. We also have Thank you, Exam Result Congrats, Get Well, birthday and ‘Thinking of you’ Mass Bouquets available.
Mass Intentions: If you wish to have Mass offered for a family member or friend you may book through the parish office and the Mass may be attended or viewed on Webcam from your home due to Covid-19 via enniskerryparish.ie.
Sacrament of Baptism: Please call the parish secretary of your area to arrange for the celebration of baptism. Please note that a month’s notice is helpful to secure your date and preparation for the sacrament.
Sacrament of Marriage: The four churches of the parish are very popular for the celebration of Marriage. Many couples arrange the church booking well in advance and before confirming hotel arrangements. We invite all interested couples to make contact with the parish secretaries approximately six months before the wedding date.
The Rosary: The Rosary is recited at 9.45 a.m. each morning in St Mary’s. The Novena to the Miraculous Medal is held after 10.15 a.m. Mass each Monday morning. Both are available to view on the webcam – enniskerryparish.ie.
Covid-19 Update: Sadly, the number of reported cases is on the increase again. We urge you to continue to be vigilant regarding the risk of infection. Please continue to sanitise your hands on entry and exit; wear an appropriate face covering; keep your distance from anybody outside your household group. Do not attend church if you are experiencing any common symptoms of Covid-19 and get vaccinated when advised. If you do not feel comfortable attending a weekend Mass, please consider attending a weekday Mass instead, or participating via webcam.
Meet, Greet and welcome.: We are starting a new two-step approach to preparation for the Sacrament of baptism, which will begin this month for families who wish to have their child baptised in the parish, Mass on the first Sunday of each month will be designated as a meet, greet and welcome time and refreshments will be provided afterwards. This will provide an opportunity for all parishioners to chat with each other and welcome a new family into the faith community. We are looking for people to sign up to be part of this welcome team, No experience needed and it will be at the regular Mass time. Contact 086 8182241, or the parish office in person, or call 01 2760030. Thank you.
Tommy Fleming in Concert: This concert takes place in the Church of the Most Holy Redeemer, Main Street, Bray, at 8 p.m. on Friday, November 25, Tickets are €32.50 each and are available online at tommyfleming.com or by calling 087 2448520 doors open at 7.15 p.m. No Support Unreserved Seating.
Holy Land Pilgrimage: Ballybrack-Killiney Parish is organising a pilgrimage to the Holy Land, open to all, in May 2023. The full itinerary is available to view at travelvalue.ie further information is available from Fr Tom Dalzell at 01 2826404.
Society of St Vincent de Paul: The local telephone number is 01 8550022.
History Society
John Callan, president of Enniskerry History Society, under whose guidance the society operates, reminds members and supporters that the following events are taking place in the week ahead.
Today (Wednesday) Pól Ó Duibhir will present ‘The French are on the Sea’ at 8 p.m. to the Rathmichael Historical Society in Rathmichael National School, Stonebridge Road, Shankill, Co. Dublin, and on Zoom. All welcome – admission/Zoom fee €5;
Tomorrow (Thursday) Dr Edward Bourke will present ‘Spies in the Irish War for Independence and Civil War’ at 7.30 p.m. to the Eblana Forum in the Eblana Club, Eblana Lodge, three Elbana Avenue, Dún Laoghaire, Co. Dublin. Booking is required – email info@eblanaforum.com or text: 086 0745402; Karen Poff and June Bow will present ‘Big Houses and their Occupants in South Dublin’ at 8 p.m. to the Mount Merrion Historical Society in the Fitzwilliam Rooms, Mount Merrion Community Centre, Mount Merrion, Co. Dublin. Admission is €4/Students €2;
On Friday night Dr Pádraig Lenihan will present ‘Sheep led by lions? The Catholic Armies 1641-1643’ at 8 p.m. to the Military History Society of Ireland, Griffith College, South Circular Road, Dublin 8. All are welcome – on Zoom to members only;
On Saturday the Medal Society of Ireland will hold a ‘Medals, Militaria and Collectibles Fair’ from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. in the Knox Memorial Hall, Monkstown Village, Co. Dublin; next Monday night Brian MacAongua will present ‘William Dargan (1799-1867), Great Railway Builder and Patriot’ at 8 p.m. to the Kilmacanogue History Society in Kilmacanogue Parish Hall, adjacent to St Mochonog’s RC Church, Kilmacanogue, Co. Wicklow. Admission is €5 for non-members – attendees are requested to wear a mask/face covering.
Next Wednesday Clifton Flewitt will present ‘Dublin’s Trams – The First Generation’ at 6 p.m. to the Old Dublin Society in the Conference Room, Dublin City Library and Archive, 144 Pearse Street, Dublin two. All are welcome admission is free.
The attention of members and supporters of the society is drawn to the following forthcoming book ‘The Kennedys of Mount Kennedy’ by Therese Hicks. The seventeenth century in Ireland was a time of huge change. At its beginning, there were still significant areas under Catholic Gaelic ownership and cultural sway; by the end almost none. The story of how the island made this journey is not well known. This Kennedy family provides us with a window into a turbulent century from the point of view of people who lived there. They were one of the few Gaelic lines who not only became thoroughly anglicized, but who went that one step further and embraced Protestantism. Their story shows how this accelerated their rise to power and improved their social standing. They became lords of a manor and baronets. Yet despite their adroit maneuvering, the instability of the times eventually led to their undoing. The final twist to their story sees the last baronet become a Benedictine priest. This book will be of interest not only to those who live in Newtownmountkennedy and the surrounding communities in County Wicklow, but also to Dubliners, as a major part of their story is set in this city. It is a book for anyone who is interested in Irish history, especially when told from a family’s own experience. Up close and personal makes history come alive. Further information about the Enniskerry History Society is available from John Callan at 01 2867853.
Enniskerry Library
Opening hours are Tuesday 10.30 a.m. to 12.30 p.m. and 1.30 p.m. to 4.30 p.m.; Wednesday: 2 p.m. to 4.30 p.m. and 6 p.m. to 8 p.m.; Friday: 10.30 a.m. to 12.30 p.m. and 1.30 p.m. to 4.30 p.m.; Saturday: 10 a.m. to 2.30 p.m. The library is closed on Mondays and Thursdays and on the Saturdays of Bank Holiday weekends. The library can be contacted at 01 2864339 or email hkinsella@wicklowcoco.ie.
Online services including e-books, audio-books, digital magazines and newspapers and e-learning are available from the library website.
Rewild Wicklow
Seed sowing in Trooperstown tree nursery last week. Our volunteers joined Jeremy of the Native Woodland Trust to help with sowing seeds in their tree nursery at Trooperstown.
The seeds were sourced from the legendary St John’s Wood in Roscommom, one of the last remaining primary ancient woodland sites in Ireland. Our great group of volunteers helped with preparing the leaf-litter raised beds and sowing the seeds inside for overwintering. The seeds have a big future as the successful trees will eventually be planted out onto the Trust’s nature reserve sites across the county. We look forward to helping plant some of these trees one day in their Wicklow site! If you wish to get involved go to www.rewildwicklow.ie.
Brockagh Market & Car Boot
The Brockagh Market & Car Boot is once a month on the 2nd Sun (except Jan/Feb) – Next date Sun Nov 13th. Open to the public from 10am to 3pm.Tea, coffee and food snacks are available.
Bargains on all items with a wide variety of delights for every need. Free parking and customer toilet facilities.
The barrier will be locked from 6pm Saturday evening until 8am Sunday morning. You can contact us by phone 0404 45600 (Wed-Fri 9am to 2pm) or email carbootbrockagh@gmail.com. All stallholders must pre book their space or no entry on the day.
Bright Stars Baby & Toddler Group
Why not come along to our baby and toddler group on Wednesday mornings at 10.30am. Each week this group will provide a welcoming and lively space for parents and children to gather and grow. Cost €4.50 per family. Call us on 0404 45600 if you have any questions about the group.
Crafty Crafters
The Brockagh Resource Centre, Laragh is reaching out to anyone who would like to share a creative space with like minded people who enjoy being creative, sharing ideas and would like to connect with other people who share similar interests such as knitting, writing or art etc., in a social setting during the winter months.Come along on November 9th from 11am to 1pm with €5 entry fee per person each week, tea/coffee provided by the centre, WIFI and laptop available for research.If you have any questions call us at 0404 45600 or email us at brockaghoffice@gmail.com
Active Retirement Laragh
The active retirement group meets every Tuesday morning from 11am 12pm in the Brockagh Centre. So if you fancy a chat, a cuppa and some light exercise, dancing and music come along on Tuesdays. We always welcome new members to join our group. We would like to encourage anyone who loves arts & crafts to share your skills with other members, come along and join us. If anyone would like to offer their services or share their skills with the group please contact us by calling Denise on 0404 45600, email brockaghoffice@gmail.com or drop in to the centre.
Brockagh Christmas Market
Our very popular and successful Christmas Market is back on Sunday 4th Dec 2022 from 10am to 3pm. As always, there will be a great selection of gifts, crafts, baking, jewellery, art, and beauty products etc.. Making your Christmas shopping experience a pleasure. Traders are now welcome to contact Michelle at brockaghoffice@gmail.com to get a booking form or for more information phone 0404 45600, www.brockaghresourcecentre.ie.
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