Top new questions this week:
From “Reinforcement Learning: An introduction (2nd ed.)” by Richard S. Sutton and Andrew G. Barto, on page 59 Instead, the agent would have to maintain $v_\pi$ and $q_\pi$ as parameterized …
I know that large language models like GPT-3 are trained simply to continue pieces of text that have been scraped from the web. But how was ChatGPT trained, which, while also having a good …
I’m trying to figure out what size language model I will be able to train on a GPU with a certain amount of memory. Let’s for simplicity say that 1 GB = 109 bytes; that means that, for example, on a …
So I am trying to understand how a Cross-Modality Linear Transformer is different from an a basic transformer. I found the transformer mentioned in this paper. Am I correct in understanding that, the …
EM(Expectation Maximum) Target: maximize $p_\theta(x)$ $ p_\theta(x)=\frac{p_\theta(x, z)}{p_\theta(z \mid x)} \\\\$ Take log on both sides: $ \log p_\theta(x)=\log p_\theta(x, z)-\log p_\theta(z \…
i have raw measurement data of different events. My first approach was to calculate features of those events, do scaling, PCA and feature selection and then feed those features to different machine …
Greatest hits from previous weeks:
What are the differences between the A* algorithm and the greedy best-first search algorithm? Which one should I use? Which algorithm is the better one, and why?
The iterative deepening A* search is an algorithm that can find the shortest path between a designated start node and any member of a set of goals. The A* algorithm evaluates nodes by combining the …
I am a new learner in NLP. I am interested in the sentence generating task. As far as I am concerned, one state-of-the-art method is the CharRNN, which uses RNN to generate a sequence of words. …
According to NASA scientist Rick Briggs, Sanskrit is the best language for AI. I want to know how Sanskrit is useful. What’s the problem with other languages? Are they really using Sanskrit in AI …
I have read various answers to this question at different places, but I am still missing something. What I have understood is that a graph search holds a closed list, with all expanded nodes, so …
I am not looking for an efficient way to find primes (which of course is a solved problem). This is more of a “what if” question. So, in theory, could you train a neural network to predict …
In general, the word “latent” means “hidden” and “to embed” means “to incorporate”. In machine learning, the expressions “hidden (or latent) space” …