Top new questions this week:
Why don’t we just use radio to communicate with the ramp marshall instead of all the hand signals? They could just say move a little left or right, stop etc instead of learning all the hand signals.
The only push propeller designs I know of are centerline/fuselage mounted which has obvious problems as far as having a tail on the rear of the aircraft. It appears these challenges lead to all the …
Why do airplanes usually pitch nose-down in a fully-developed stall? I’ve seen this seemingly-simple question discussed on other aviation forums, but there doesn’t seem to be a single agreed-upon …
I’m a PPL student and I recently flew to a class C airport. One of my first flights into class C, actually. Once I contacted the tower and stated my intentions, I was asked to report if I had another …
Was watching this video from 1967 and saw an interesting high-wing plane that looks to be about the size of a Cessna 206, but with what looks like a really unique dual engine side-pod configuration. I …
If you crash in a commercial flight simulator (the type used to train airline pilots), what happens? Do you get a pop-up window in front of you saying “You have crashed”? Does it just show …
Picture source: Picture source: This is Robinson Helicopter R22’s rotor’s blade. What is this flat part for as indicated by the red line? What is the aerodynamic benefit of putting it? There are many …
Greatest hits from previous weeks:
Are turboprops really more efficient than jets? If yes, does that mean that airlines who use jets sacrifice fuel for faster flights?
When a non-pilot hears the word stall, it brings to mind what happens when a car stalls – the engine quits. It seems like that would be a dangerous scenario in an airplane. From a non-pilot …
When landing, what exactly do the phrases “approaching minimums” and “minimums” mean in a commercial jet aircraft, when heard from the onboard cockpit voice.
I learned that the waste water from the lavatory sink in most commercial airliners is dumped outside the aircraft while in flight. Is this really the case? If so, why is the waste water dumped outside …
On most A-10s I have seen, the area under the cockpit is darker than the rest of the plane. Is there a reason for this?
I know that from nose to tail the aircraft is divided by STA (station). At least for Boeing and Airbus this is the case but I am not familiar with other manufacturers. However, there is also two …
What is the difference between a true and a magnetic heading? Why are/were magnetic headings used in aviation?
Can you answer these questions?
Interesting question this morning. My alternate has RW07/25; the ILS to 25 was U/S. TAF was for OVC007. My alternate minima are: If DH < 250 then use DH + 200. With the ILS inop, had I needed to …
An electric, vertical takeoff drone lifts a manned glider 5 km in the air. The glider is then released from the drone, and glides 50 km to carry its passengers across a lake. The drone meanwhile …