Top new questions this week:
I’m calculating soundscape indices using scikit-maad’s all_temporal_alpha_indices and all_spectral_alpha_indices. I will be …
I’m in the process of purchasing gear for this upcoming field season and am looking for audio recorder recommendations. I’m hoping to place ~30 small recorders in seabird rock crevices to record …
We have a ST600 STD that was deployed for a period of 3months. We recently retrieved it and are unable to read the data from the device. When connected it just shows a red light. Internally and …
Greatest hits from previous weeks:
Harmonic calls have a fundamental frequency (f0) and integral multiples of that frequency as harmonic frequencies. Since the lower frequency sound wave has a low attenuation rate and the higher …
We have a handful of new students and summer interns starting in the lab who have never worked with acoustics before. Of course, it falls on their supervisor to introduce them to bioacoustics. However,…
I am finally getting into signal identification and would like to test Convolutional Neural Network (CNN). I am working in R and willing to do Python. What packages are you using in those two …
Like humans, many animals have unique voices through which we can identify them individually. This information is beneficial in non-invasive tracking, population/density estimation and much more. But …
In computer vision it seems that image normalization is very important to keep the gradients “in check” (detailed description here). However, I was wondering if it was also the case in audio …
I’ve found myself looking this up about once every few years so thought this would be a good place to pose the question for others (to look up every few years). When considering the precision of …
I have some very long .wav files that are taking a long time to process. There are only short sections within this longer file that I’m interested in analysing. Is there an efficient way to split …