Top new questions this week:
I had some issues while studying the Mendel’s rules of inheritance. How did Mendel, while running his test crosses, know if the plants in his F0 generation were TT (homozygous tall) or Tt (…
We are trying to grow liquid cultures of Mycobacterium smegmatis as a host for bacteriophages, but we have been having issues with contamination. Our latest attempt went like this: Tuesday 1 pm: …
We have recently moved into a lab space where we share an autoclave with other people. We generally autoclave empty beakers, flasks, etc., before running experiments, and we autoclave waste (Petri …
From what I gather, the vast majority (but not all) of the DNA in our genomes will transcribe and create an RNA, if only under certain conditions in a lab (forcibly unwound, among other steps). How …
What is the ratio of spliced to unspliced introns in a cell? I found, that the median half-life of a human mRNA is roughly 10h [1], while transcription and splicing each take around half a minute [2, …
When free, could the experts here please help me identify this tree. Location: Delhi, India Height: 20-30 feet Date: October Is the hanging green colored fruit edible? Thank you for all the kindness …
The Broadbill Swordfish (Xiphias gladius) is characterized by a long bill or a “sword” which is an extension of its upper lip bone. The swordfish uses its sword in fighting, including …
Greatest hits from previous weeks:
At the end of mitosis, one cell has divided into two diploid cells. But at the end of meiosis I, there are two haploid cells. How are the two processes different to produce these two types of cells?
I saw videos of octopuses crawling on the ground and I was wondering how long an octopus can survive when out of the water? Does it depend on either its size (i.e., does a big octopus from deep sea …
In my Biology class we were asked this question: This DNA strand consists of eight pairs of nitrogenous bases. How many different sequences of eight bases can you make? Explain how you found your …
I’ve learned that plants transform glucose into sucrose before sending it into phloem. But the process seems to be complex and energy comsuming. Why should plants do it? Is it really necessary?
Frequently, I see colors with a slightly different hue when looking through my eyes individually. The right eye is more red-tinted (‘warmer’ hued) and the left is typically more blue-tinted (‘cooler’ …
This is a lab question I cant find the answer in the lab manual or in the text book. What physiological processes in a muscle cause the latent period in a muscle fiber? Please help. Edit: The latent …
We are 7 billion human beings on the Earth. But how many mice are there? How would you estimate such a number?
Can you answer these questions?
So, as I understand it, the prominent theories for the evolution of sex are that it increased variation allowing for faster adaptation in evolutionary arms races, and that it gets rid of deleterious …
I’m interested in getting a better understanding of dinosaur locomotion. Therefore, I am looking for a book that will cover various mathematical aspects and discuss various mathematical tools for …
I need to extract proteins, but I want to protect the morphology of the tissue. Can I use lysis buffer directly?