Capitani season 2 is a crime thriller drama series released on Netflix on 8 July 2022. The first series from Luxembourg on the OTT platform was released on Netflix in February 2021. Its first season was broadcast on RTL Télé Lëtzebuerg in October 2019. The series is created by Thierry Faber, Eric Lamhène and Christophe Wagner.
The cast includes Luc Schiltz, Sophie Mousel, Claude De Demo, Joe Dennenwald, Konstantin Rommelfangen, Jules Werner, Jil Devresse, Julie Kieffer, Edita Malovčić, Philippe Thelen, Edson Anibal, Adrien Papritz and Lydia Indjova. The new has 12 episodes as well with a runtime of about 27-38 minutes respectively.
Netflix’s synopsis of season 2 reads:
Now living in Luxembourg City, Luc Capitani accepts a job that soon tangles him in a murder investigation linked to the capital’s criminal underworld.
-Capitani Season 2 Review Does Not Contain Any Spoilers-
In the last season, we saw that Luc Capitani was arrested for the murder of the Drug lord and was on his way in the police car. In the second season, it starts off with Luc getting a phone call from a girl who refers to him as an ex-policeman. So it’s clear that he isn’t in the services anymore. The girl requests him to find out about her missing friend.
He tries to search for the missing girl named Andrea and finds her dead in the woods but goes away before the police arrived at the crime scene. He is paid by the girl for getting Andrea’s whereabouts, which reveals that he is working as a private detective now. But soon we learn that Luc had been in jail for the last 3 years and had been out of jail just some time back.
The old brooding and angry man seem to have sobered down a bit but still working recklessly, as he feels like. Soon after we are introduced to Elsa Ley as well, who is investigating the drug cartel gangs in the area where Luc lives in. Also, we get to know the backstory of the angry man as well, that he has a sister who is a nurse and he has a difficult relationship with his father who passed away.
Coming to the central plot, if you were hoping that things will continue from where it was left off then an absolute no. The story of this season is completely different, Luc gets involved in the business of host bars as he is asked to work as their informant and protect their business from the rampant drug peddling issue in the area. As two of the prostitutes were murdered because of it.
Luc Capitani, Elsa, Carla/Sofia and Joe are the only characters that we know from the previous part. The new characters include Valentina Draga & Dominic Draga, the mother-son duo running a host bar called Le Carat, who actually appoints Luc to work for them in exchange for hefty money. So the story revolves around the dark business of host bars and prostitution, Nigerian drug sellers and the cut-throat competition between the businesses.
Capitani season 2 on Netflix is a definite skip. The sequel series plot is not as engaging and seems to be going on some other tangent. Luc Capitani does get free from the accusation of murder and seems more humane by the end of the series, but nothing else exciting that would make you watch. We get to know the tragic ending of the Engels family after Luc went to prison, very briefly.
It is not clear what the creator wanted to show in this series, it has left all the more questions that weren’t answered. There were murders happening and an angle of dark magic/cult is shown, but there’s no resolution of it. What was the purpose if it doesn’t add anything to the story?
The story of drug gangs mixed with prostitution and a fresh-out-of-prison cop has been done and dusted with many times before. The season feels like its only purpose was to show a redemption arc of its main lead. The only interesting factor is the climax that leads him to the same place which has haunted him all his career.
Capitani Season 2 is streaming on Netflix.
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I think this review is still very positive. This whole series 2 of Capitani was all a bit pointless. The lack of direction, but also the superfluous and redundant scenes and the lack of authority in the direction of this movie becomes irritating after a while.
After watching the brothel interiors without any customers, the lackluster pole dancing and hearing that depressing synthesizer sound for the umpteenth time, one has to ask yourself: Why? What’s the point of all this?
The scenes with violence are (again) poorly directed and the characters are flat and often irrational.
The whole series oozes depression.
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