12 February 2022 by Korbin Brown Every Ubuntu user that uses a graphical interface will have to interact with...
James KiarieJuly 6, 2021 Categories When installing software on a Linux system is usually a smooth ride. In...
session expired iredmail 1. roundcubemodify/opt/www.roundcubemail/config/config.inc.php$config[‘ip_check’]= true;change to$config[‘ip_check’]= false;Try changing $rcmail_config[‘session_lifetime’] in /config/main.inc.php to 0 2. IredadminModify/opt/www/iredmail/libs/iredbase.pyweb.config.session_parameters[‘ignore_change_ip’] = Falsechange...
This article is part of the on going Unix sed command tutorial series. In our previous articles...
SED command in UNIX stands for stream editor and it can perform lots of functions on file...
I want to pause input in a shell script, and prompt the user for choices.The standard Yes, No, or Cancel type...
dpkg-query(1) dpkg suite dpkg-query(1) NAME top dpkg-query - a tool to query the dpkg...
Managing user accounts on Ubuntu Linux may involve listing the users on a system, creating a new...
Richard Published on09/13/2019 3 min read This brief tutorial shows students and new users how to list groups on...