Top new questions this week:
Rolling a 1x1x2 block This challenge is inspired by the game Bloxorz. Like that game, there is a 1x1x2 block, which may be moved on a square grid in any of the four cardinal directions. It moves by …
In 2009, Hannah Alpert described the “far-difference” representation, a novel way of representing integers as sums and differences of Fibonacci numbers according to the following rules: …
Part of Code Golf Advent Calendar 2022 event. See the linked meta post for details. The Elves like playing number games. One day, Bin (a friend of Fen) suggests a new game: given a positive integer <...
Part of Code Golf Advent Calendar 2022 event. See the linked meta post for details. Fen is a magician Elf. He can cast spells on an array of numbers to produce another number or array of numbers. One …
Part of Code Golf Advent Calendar 2022 event. See the linked meta post for details. On the flight to Hawaii for vacation, I’m playing with a deck of cards numbered from 1 to \$n\$. Out of curiosity, …
Santa’s Shortest Path Problem Trying to be as time-efficient as possible Santa needs to plan his trips carefully. Given a 5X5 grid representing a map of villages it is your task to be Santa’s flight …
Part of Code Golf Advent Calendar 2022 event. See the linked meta post for details. Santa likes to sort his presents in a special way. He keeps “uninterleaving” the pile of presents into …
Greatest hits from previous weeks:
Isn’t it annoying when you find a piece of code and you don’t know what language it was written in? This challenge attempts to somewhat solve this. Challenge You will have to write a program that …
You are given two true color images, the Source and the Palette. They do not necessarily have the same dimensions but it is guaranteed that their areas are the same, i.e. they have the same number of …
Introduction You’re probably familiar with zip bombs, XML bombs, etc. Put simply, they are (relatively) small files which produce enormous output when interpreted by naïve software. The challenge …
Here is a 1.2Mb ASCII text file containing the text of Herman Melville’s Moby-Dick; or, The Whale. Your task is to write a program or function (or class, etc. — see below) which will be given this …
Matthias Goergens has a 25,604-character (down from the original 63,993-character) regex to match numbers divisible by 7, but that includes a lot of fluff: redundant parentheses, distribution (…
Note to challenge writers as per meta consensus: This question was well-received when it was posted, but challenges like this, asking answerers to Do X without using Y are likely to be poorly received….
Since Halloween is coming up I thought I might start a fun little code golf challenge! The challenge is quite simple. You have to write a program that outputs either …