Top new questions this week:
Intro The Tetris Guidelines specify what RNG is needed for the piece selection to be called a Tetris game, called the Random Generator. Yes, that’s the actual name (“Random Generator”). In …
Given as input a positive nonzero integer n >= 10 and a sequence of digits 0-9 (which may be taken as a string or a list), …
Given a list of lists of positive integers, output a subset of them so their union forms a continuous non-empty range with no numbers missing. For example, consider this input: …
Related Now you have some dice which you may roll several times. You need a uniform random integer between 1 and \$n\$, inclusive. Show a method that rolls the fewest times and behaves as an \$n\$-…
Consider: c=(a,b)=>(+a||0)+(+b||0) Yes, it is not good to solve it like that. But I want to shorten it even more. If a is a …
Write a function that takes an ASCII-printable-only (all charcodes ∈ [32..126]) string input x and provides an ASCII-printable-only output string …
Greatest hits from previous weeks:
We all know that if you google the word “google” it will break the internet. Your task is to create a function that accepts one string and returns its length, in the fewest possible Unicode …
In this challenge, you must take a string matching the regex ^[a-zA-Z]+$ or whatever is reasonable (you don’t have to consider uppercase or lowercase letters if you …
Your job is to animate this circle illusion. It looks like the points rotating inside of the circle, but they are actually just moving in straight lines. Criterias The result has to be animated. The …
In this challenge, you are going to take a number and turn it into a string, but not in the common way. You will use the aaaaa way! The …
Print or return the following string: zottffssentettffssenttttttttttttttttttttffffffffffffffffffffsssssssssssssssssssseeeeeeeeeennnnnnnnnno This is the first …
The Fibonacci sequence is a sequence of numbers, where every number in the sequence is the sum of the two numbers preceding it. The first two numbers in the sequence are both 1. Here are the first …
Create a program which can rearrange pixels in image so it can’t be recognized. However your program should able to convert it back to original image. You can write two functions – for encoding and …