Top new questions this week:
You are on a plane filled with boxes, and you get a sequence of movements, say “up right right down left”: You move up, pushing all boxes in front of you away: You move right, right and …
In a certain chatroom, we like making acronym jokes about the build tool we use called sbt. While it usually stands for “Scala Build Tool”, we aim to come up with all sorts of meanings, such …
Introduction In the prisoner’s dilemma, two partners in crime are being interrogated, and have the choice to either betray their partner or stay silent. If both prisoners betray each other, they both …
Greatest hits from previous weeks:
There have been many other flag challenges posted but not one for the national flag of France. This week seems like an appropriate time. Produce this flag in the fewest bytes possible: The image must …
You are to write a program that will output source code that is Larger than the original program (character wise) Will print another program larger than itself when run (i.e. the new program is also …
Your job is to animate this circle illusion. It looks like the points rotating inside of the circle, but they are actually just moving in straight lines. Criterias The result has to be animated. The …
Write a short program, that would generate the longest possible error message, in a standard C++ compiler (gcc, cl.exe, …
I think the question as above is clear, but just in case: Write a full program (not just a function) which prints a positive base 10 integer, optionally followed by a single newline. Qualifying …
Your task is to display the letter “A” alone, without anything else, except any form of trailing newlines if you cannot avoid them, doing so in a program and/or snippet. Code that returns (instead of …
Try to write some code in your language and make it not satisfying our criteria of being a programming language any more. A language satisfies our criteria (simplified version for this challenge) of …