Top new questions this week:
Non-metals typically* have a fixed number of covalent bonds in every chemical they are part of. Given the number of bonds every element requires, output whether it’s possible to construct a single …
Carry sort is an \$O(n)\$ “sorting” algorithm. Here’s how it works. The algorithm moves left to right along a list. As it traverses a list it “carries” a single item, the largest …
If \$R\$ runners were to run a race, in how many orders could they finish such that exactly \$T\$ runners tie? Challenge Given a positive integer \$R\$ and a non-negative integer \$0\leq T\leq {R}\$ …
In C++, there exists a a <=> b three-way comparison operator that, for numerical types, does the following: If a < b, …
I’m trying to solve a CSS challenge. It contains a rotated leaf shape (looks like an eye). Score for the challenge depends on amount of characters of the code. Here’s my way to make a leaf shape: <...
Every integer can be expressed in powers of 2. You know this as the binary system Assume you are given a set of k numbers …
Greatest hits from previous weeks:
Credits to Calvin’s Hobbies for nudging my challenge idea in the right direction. Consider a set of points in the plane, which we will call sites, and associate a colour with each site. Now you can …
This contest is officially over, the winner is jimmy23013. Congratulations! The challenge is to make a program that prints Hello World! to stdout. The catch is that …
Given a word, decide if it is an ambigram. When rotated: b > q d > p l > l n > u o > o p > d q > b s > s u > n x > x z > z Assume …
Print or return the following string: zottffssentettffssenttttttttttttttttttttffffffffffffffffffffsssssssssssssssssssseeeeeeeeeennnnnnnnnno This is the first …
Introduction We all know the cool S (also known as Superman S, Stüssy S, Super S, Skater S, Pointy S, Graffiti S etc. etc.): billions of schoolchildren around the world drew this S and immediately …
Your job is to animate this circle illusion. It looks like the points rotating inside of the circle, but they are actually just moving in straight lines. Criterias The result has to be animated. The …
I have trouble remembering everything I have to do when leveling up a D&D character. For whatever reason, one of the things that gives me trouble is figuring out what their new maximum HP value …