Top new questions this week:
This is an example of a bitlocker recovery key; 820042-335825-646573-481530-265253-688132-339900-822810 İs that key actually strong? It does not have any letters, …
A KDF in Counter Mode (e.g., see NIST SP 800-108r1, Section 4.1, similar to HKDF) produces the output as what AES-CTR would do if one replaces AES with SHA2 (or, to be exact, with HMAC). However, NIST,…
I have noticed that points on a NIST curve (secp256, secp384, etc.) or some other elliptic curves used in cryptography, when represented as …
Stream ciphers use a deceptively simple mechanism: you combine the plaintext data, bit by bit, with “key” bits, using the exclusive or operation. Why can’t I use other opeartions such as NAND, AND, …
I wonder if there is any practical attack on MD5(key || fixed-length-message).
The AES algorithm uses the irreducible polynomial. Consider x^8+x^4+x^3+x+1 for multiplying with a MDS matrix for encryption …
Suppose we have two plaintexts $m_1$ and $m_2$ such a way that $|m_1| = |m_2| = 128 $ and these two plaintexts are different just in one bit. Now suppose we know the value of $c_1 = AES_{k}(m_1)$($|k|…
Greatest hits from previous weeks:
My question might appear the same as the question Taking advantage of one-time pad key reuse?, but actually I did read all the answers and none of them helped me with the details I need. I am new to …
One runtime platform provides an API that supplies PKCS#5 padding for block cipher modes such as ECB and CBC. These modes have been defined for the triple DES, AES and Blowfish block ciphers. The …
Public nonces can be problematic for privacy when they can be considered metadata. They can also be troublesome for security if you do things like using a hash of the message as the nonce. PASETO now …
RSA cryptography strength comes from the hardness (or so we believe) of factoring big numbers. For key lengths over 2048 bits, it is infeasible for current or near-future computers to factor those …
I was wondering about the difference between these two terms… What is the difference between a digest and a hash function?
I’m using Java to generate encrypted strings, and I get this warning at build time: ECB encryption mode should not be used So I’m wondering why I shouldn’t use ECB and what I can use instead?
I have general questions regarding rolling codes. Basically there is a sender and a receiver. Both have a sequence generator. The receiver checks if the received sequence matches the newly generated. …
Can you answer these questions?
Are there any automated security protocol verification tools that model algebraic operations; specifically addition. I am familiar with AVISPA and Verifpal, and they are both great and user-friendly …
Short story… IBM(now HCL) Domino have since way back a complete procedure to issue X509 client certificate as a login option to webserver. Back in 2010-ish it worked fine in both Firefox and …
I started studying again recently, I forgot plenty of stuff. But there are 2 areas that I am really struggling. The procedures to prove and demonstrate theorems. The basic math necessary for …