Top new questions this week:
Let’s say you downloaded a file from a certain website, and later the website claims that it didn’t made that file available, is there any way to prove that the website is lying? Example 1: You …
I’ve been reading lately some contradicting messages with regards to the quantum-safe resistance of AES128. First, there are blog posts by Ericsson people like these ones: Can quantum attackers break …
Yesterday IBM announced that they have a 433 bit quantum computer, called Osprey. There is nothing in the press releases I can find that says whether it can or cannot run Shor’s Algorithm. They also …
When I’m convincing non-believers that crypto is secure, I have a hard time with hash functions and the associated block ciphers. It is easy to show why RSA is hard to crack: I multiply two small …
I am implementing pollard kangaroo to compute the discrete logarithm of a group element $G$ of generator $g$. $G$ is a$\mod p$ multiplicative group ($p$ a prime number). So, I want to solve $g^a=h$ …
I have read that perdersen commitment can be used to hide the messages such as transactions by participants. The verifier will just have to make sure that the difference of the commitments is zero. …
I’ve been messing around with lattice based cryptography and came across the SWIFFT algorithm, a provably secure cryptographic hash function which has a security proof stating that finding collisions …
Greatest hits from previous weeks:
When given $p = 5, q = 11, N = 55$ and $e = 17$, I’m trying to compute the RSA private key $d$. I can calculate $\varphi(N) = 40$, but my lecturer then says to use the extended Euclidean algorithm to …
Like in title: which one of these encryption methods (ZipCrypto, AES-256) is more secure and why? I am asking about it because I’d like to know which should be preferred when compressing files with …
Most cryptographically protected protocols use TLS these days. This applies to mail protocols, HTTP and many others. The newly designed QUIC has also adopted TLS as its cryptography layer. However, …
Can someone tell me which mode out of ECB and CBC is better, and how to decide which mode to use? Are there any other modes which are better?
Can anyone provide an extended (and well explained) proof of correctness of the RSA Algorithm? And why is it needed? I can’t say that this or this helped me much, I’d like a more detailed and newbie …
Suppose Alice wants to send encryptions (under a one-time pad) of $m_1$ and $m_2$ to Bob over a public channel. Alice and Bob have a shared key $k$; however, both messages are the same length as the …
I have an audience of senior (non-technical) executives and senior technical people who are taking the backdoor in Dual_EC_DRBG and considering it as a weakness of Elliptic curves in general. I can …
Can you answer these questions?
I am trying to solve this problem from I am having trouble with this question : (Baby Bleichenbacher attack). Consider an RSA public key (n, e), where n is an RSA …
I know exactly how a generated BitLocker recovery key works and I can write a code to brute-force it. How is the recovery key generated though? I could think of some answers: it is generated using an …
I am wondering if there might be a scheme for the following scenario: Let’s suppose a government wants a truly democratic intelligence agency. For this the government publishes all intelligence …