Top new questions this week:
While I was reading the documentation for the cryptocode $\LaTeX$ package I stumbled across the “primitive” called puncturing in subsection 2.12. This was the first time I read about this &…
Despite working with AES-GCM and other AEAD algos for a few years, I’ve struggled with the concept of ‘authenticated’ in the term ‘AEAD’. In my own experience (of Unix, PKI and blockchain) …
Does anybody know or can point me to a source about SHA2 vs SHA3 usage statistics. SHA3 is newer and is claimed to be more secure but … is it more widely used in real life deployments?
I am trying to determine how to apply ZK proofs to the asymmetric scenario below. Say there is a list of 5000 secret elements on a centralized web server. Users are trying to guess what those 5000 …
Context I am trying to build a simple protocol for key derivation. I want to use SHA-3 family hash functions, which (as far as I understand) should not be combined with HMAC because their security …
It is known that there are two popular applications of lattices: dense sphere packings and lattice-based cryptography. I didn’t find any information on the Internet about possible interaction of these …
What the state of the art for producing quickly verifiable proofs of correct computation when your proof is allowed to leak knowledge? For context, I am inspired by Miden VM’s promises: For any …
Greatest hits from previous weeks:
Much of the literature and latest papers suggest that homomorphic encryption is still not practical yet. How is CipherCloud able to achieve this? Does anyone have an idea? Their website does not …
I’ve been thinking about this for a few days, a SHA-256 algorithm outputs 64 characters which can either be a lowercase letter or a number from 0-9. Which should mean that there are 64^36 distinct SHA-…
Until what I have gotten is: A PRG is generator is a part of PRF that produces pseudo-random values for the function. PRF is semantically secure and has no worries of being invertible. Fine, then …
What is the difference in the purpose of DH and RSA? Aren’t they both public-key encryption?
I’m not even sure if they are serious, but I’ve heard many times that some people refuse to not only trust their computer to generate a random string (which is understandable) but also don’t trust …
RSA cryptography strength comes from the hardness (or so we believe) of factoring big numbers. For key lengths over 2048 bits, it is infeasible for current or near-future computers to factor those …
I would like to ask for a clear (but maybe not so deep) explanation of what the term “perfect secrecy” means. As far as I have researched and understood, it has to do with probabilities of assuming …
Can you answer these questions?
Given p = 7 and q = 13, one can obtain n = 91, d = 29, e = 5. However, for plaintext with values less than the modulus both the public and private keys (n, d) and (n, e) are reversible, i.e. …
I’m new to cryptography and having a hard time understanding PRGs and PRFs. Question: $G'(x)$ and $G”(x)$ are two different secure pseudorandom generators, and $G(x)=G'(x) \mathbin\Vert G”(x)$. Is $…
Assuming evaluation in the online phase (no beaver triple/offline method used), each AND gate in GMW must be evaluated using a 1-out-of-4 OT. I’ve seen some sources (here, and here) say this can be …