Top new questions this week:
Recent models like the GPT-3 Language Model (Brown et al., 2020) and the Flamingo Visual-Language Model (Alayrac et al., 2022) use in-context few-shot learning. The models are able to make highly …
Nowadays the state-of-the-art in NLP is to finetune a large pretrained language model such as BERT/GPT etc. on specfic tasks. These language models are pretrained on a huge amount of data and then …
im trying to build an outlier detector to find outliers in test data. That data varies a bit (more test channels, longer/shorter testing). First im applying the train test split because i want to use …
Is big data a fallacy if most phenomena can be mostly described by few variables? This has confused me. Surely there are big data sets, but there are also cases when the set of significant or …
I am reviewing some code, a condensed version of which is shown below. It takes an original design matrix $X$ and response vector $Y$, performs a train-test split (yielding …
If I compile a certain model with adam optimizer and I have used a batch size of 32 in the fit function, When I start training the model, I get a loss value at the end of every epoch. I understand …
For the sake of concreteness: let’s suppose that the word “OCR” refers to any OCR system build on an R-CNN architecture. Similarly, in aims of simplicity, let’s declare that we are …
Greatest hits from previous weeks:
I try to visualizing multiple logistic regression but I get the above error. I’m practicing on red wine quality data set from kaggle. Here is a full traceback: …
In the context of Machine Learning, I have seen the term Ground Truth used a lot. I have searched a lot and found the following definition in Wikipedia: In machine learning, the term “ground …
How can I get the number of missing value in each row in Pandas dataframe. I would like to split dataframe to different dataframes which have same number of missing values in each row. Any suggestion?…
Suppose I build a neural network for classification. The last layer is a dense layer with Softmax activation. I have five different classes to classify. Suppose for a single training example, the <...
I am building a regression model and I need to calculate the below to check for correlations Correlation between 2 Multi level categorical variables Correlation between a Multi level categorical …
I create a corr() df out of an original df. The corr() df came out 70 X 70 and it is impossible to visualize the heatmap… <...
Can you answer these questions?
I need to group together people driving together based on GPS data. Data are collected by mobile phones. From each user we receive them in batches every 10 seconds. Each batch have list of GPS data (…
Based on the simplifed sample dataframe …
I have the following problem: There is a large set of records. Each record in the set has an attribute. For some values of the attribute, there is only one record, for other values there are many …