Top new questions this week:
Section 5.6 of the SQL-92 standard contains rules 10…13 per which unquoted identifiers should be upper-cased, so foo becomes FOO but “foo” remains foo. These rules are respected by Oracle, …
SQL Server 2022 introduced Instant File Initialization for transaction log file growth events. In the What’s New in 2022 page, Microsoft notes: In general, transaction log files cannot benefit from …
Buses and passengers arrive at a station. If a bus arrives at the station at a time tbus and a passenger arrives at a time tpassenger where tpassenger <= tbus, then the passenger will attempt to …
I have a table events like this: create table events ( correlation_id char(26) not null, user_id bigint, task_id bigint not null, location_id bigint, type …
I have a table conforming to the following basic structure: create table ranges (range_begin int, length int); I want it to enforce the following invariants for any insert: range_begin is unique (…
I am using this command sudo apt-get install postgresql-11-repack to install pg_repack(default to 1.4.8). postgresql-11-repack is already the newest version (1.4.8-1.pgdg20.04+1). when i run “…
I do need to use the PostGIS SFCGAL extension in its latest version (i.e. 1.4.1 at the time of writing). This extension is based (and needs) the libsfcgal system library. Because the official PostGIS …
Greatest hits from previous weeks:
Using PostgreSQL v9.1. I have the following tables: CREATE TABLE foo ( id BIGSERIAL NOT NULL UNIQUE PRIMARY KEY, type VARCHAR(60) NOT NULL UNIQUE ); CREATE TABLE bar ( id BIGSERIAL …
I’m having trouble finding answers with various Internet and Google searches for MySQL Workbench issue I’m experiencing. I have not found any answers on how to make this work again. Here’s the MySQL …
I have a table with 100 columns. When selecting data in SQL Plus the output wraps, making it difficult to read. What I’d rather like is either a horizontal scroll bar to appear or somehow send the …
I have one table of services. I need to merge two SELECT queries. Both have different where clauses. For example SELECT U_REGN as ‘Region’, COUNT(callID) as ‘OpenServices’, SUM(CASE WHEN …
How can I dump a specific table or set of tables without including the rest of the db tables?
SQL Server is consuming 87.5 % of my server RAM. This recently caused a lot of performance bottlenecks such as slowness. I researched this issue. One common solution I could find on the internet is to …
I have a SQL query given below, I want to select multiple value using like operator. Is my Query correct? SELECT top 1 employee_id, employee_ident, utc_dt, rx_dt FROM employee INNER JOIN …
Can you answer these questions?
I’ve seen code to do it with a result set, but the Python code I am using has a cursor not a result set. It is thus printing the wrong labels for the columns. select c1 as Hello, c2 as World from …
We have 2 Oracle DB schema (ABC, XYZ) in two geographies (site 1 and site 2) where both schemas are running on separate cluster. Schema ABC has golden gate replication between site 1 and 2 and is an …
I have to send some string (in C) as a query to MySQL, so i used mysql_real_escape_string() to escape some characters like \0 or \n: #include <mysql/mysql.h> int loginQuery(char *Nickname, char *…