Top new questions this week:
I’m designing a quadcopter weighing around 250 grams, while maintaining a thrust-to-weight ratio of 2:1 Optimize: Maximize the thrust-per-watt for the motor+propeller pair Constraints: weight of each …
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DJI is able to achieve ~30 minute flight times with their dones. Whereas, a typical FPV drone is only ~7 minutes I see this as a huge achievement by DJI, I am interested to understand how they were …
Multirotors are small rotorcraft with flight dynamics which result in an unnatural “flight experience”. Are there multirotor autopilots which would be able to simulate a more “natural&…
Does it matter where the battery is mounted? Or is it best to have the centre of gravity aligned with the propeller plane where the thrust is generated?
There are a number of multirotors on the market which have propellers which fold at the hub, primarily to make storage and transport easier. Centrifugal force keeps the blade extended when the motor …
I am a beginner to the hobby and I’ve been constructing chuck gliders out of foam board and card for a few years. I’d like to start making models that I can control, but I don’t have much of a budget. …
In Can circularly and linearly polarized antennae be used together for FPV? I read about a “mushroom antenna”. While I have very little experience with FPV drones I am generally experienced in radios …
I have heard a lot about center of gravity for fixed wings, but very little about the CG in quadcopters. How does moving the CG forward or backward impact the flight characteristics of a quadcopter? …
Can you answer this question?
I have a question for experienced users of PX4. Can the flight controller be placed anywhere in the drone, as long as it is pointing in the right direction and the calibration is made in the correct …