Top new questions this week:
In conversation with 2 native-German speakers, I said: Woher können wir wissen, dass ein Kniegelenk zum Beispiel nicht kaputtgehen und verursachen würde, ihn hinzufallen? They corrected me with: …
To translate: There must be pounds of oxalic acid for calcium precipitations. can one say: Da müssen Pfunde der Oxalsäure für Kalziumausfällungen bestehen.? If not, why not? I ask the question …
I was watching a German nursery rhyme (listening practice) and there was the line: Hoch steigen die Drachen, das freut jedes Kind. I was a bit alarmed because I thought they were talking about dragons,…
I have a problem understanding superlatives. What would be the difference between these two sentences? Seine Fragen sind immer die klügsten. Seine Fragen sind immer am klügsten. To me they are totally …
Ich habe auf einer Webseite gesehen, wie man den Relativsatz mit was benutzt: Nach unbestimmten Zahlwörtern, nach nominalisierten Superlativen und nach das, kann ein Relativsatz mit was stehen. Ein …
I’m trying to figure out how to refer to a verb that was used earlier within a sentence. In English, the type of behavior I’m trying to capture can be demonstrated in the following sentences. I …
Greatest hits from previous weeks:
In English “here” and “there” are typical pairs to indicate space and distance. The same is true of Hungarian (“itt” and “ott”). But in German it’s a bit different: I have seen “da” many times in …
Wann benutzt man auf oder über mit freuen? Zum Beispiel: Meine Tochter freut sich schon _ die Sommerferien.
Gibt es Abkürzungen für Stunde und Minute? Kann Dieser Film dauert 3 Stunden 5 Minuten kürzer geschrieben werden?
What are the possibilities for saying “Congratulations!” in German? Google Translate suggests “Glückwünsche”, “Gratulation”, and “Gratulieren”. Do people actually use these as one-word phrases?
Latin languages, as well as English, speak numbers from left to right, in the same direction in which they are written, e.g. forty-two, quarante-deux, but in German, you write from left to right but …
When do you use wie and was in German? For example: What is your name? I understand you ask the question with wie instead of was.
How to express the condolence to someone who lost somebody? Like for example a death of a husband or wife?