Top new questions this week:
Would very much appreciate assistance with language in headstone from German Catholic cemetery in Cincinnati. Hier ruhet Johann . Englert (is middle initial also a J?) geb 11 Nov. 1826 in Leigen______ …
Gottemeitschi means godmother, but in which German dialect and region? What is the masculine form, plus granduncle, grand aunt, etc? And how do they compare to their high German, or formal, …
Die Rente vermindert sich um 0,3 von Hundert für den vollen Monat, den der Versorgungsfall vor Vollendung des 65. Lebensjahres eintritt. Auf was bezieht sich „den“ hier?
I came across this sentence: Was gibt es denn so Spannendes, dass du mich extra morgens um acht anrufst? This seems to be the structure similar to English: “… so adj/adv that + clause”. …
I know that the extended participial phrase can be extended with adverbs, adjectives, and I believe objects, although I am confused by objects in this sense left of the Partizip I and Partizip II in …
Manchmal können wir Genitiv durch ein Nomenkompositum (und umgekehrt) ersetzen. die Tür des Hauses die Haustür Gibt es einen semantischen Unterschied zwischen den beiden Formulierungen? Nach meinem …
While trying to understand the meaning and usage of hin- and her-, I came across explanations like the following several times (here and here): HIN describes movement away from the speaker and …
Greatest hits from previous weeks:
One of the things that I really liked about German, as I was studying it in college, was the very orderly grammar, which actually helped me to understand my native English better. As a non-native …
To finish up a letter addressed to a client, I use Best Regards, followed by my signature. I’ve looked around for a direct translation, and came up with: ┌────────────────────────────────┬───────────…
In English, quoted texts are normally written in speech marks, “like this,” or occasionally ‘like this.’ However on this site I have seen people writing German quotes like »this« and „this.“ Which …
Die Frage zielt nicht auf formelle Brief-Gestaltung ab, sondern auf die Frage, ob ein Dank für „Bemühungen“ oder „Mühe“ das Falsche ausdrückt oder die richtige Konnotation transportiert. Während „…
Here is a bulleted list of my specific questions in case you want to save time not reading what gave rise to them: Do German people use cursive writing often? Is it necessary for me to learn how to …
To whom it may concern is a common opening statement (in an formal e-mail) in English, especially when you do not know the gender of your audience. I am looking for the proper equivalent for it in …
Was ist das Unterschied zwischen “das Hühnchen” und “das Hähnchen”? Ich habe oft in den Menus deutscher Restaurants das Wort “Hähnchen” gesehen, aber ich weiß nicht, ob dieses Wort ein Synonym für “…