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YouTube’s default is to autoplay videos continuously, and it offers you a countdown between each video so you can click away if you don’t want to watch the next one.
If you’ve turned off autoplay — perhaps as a way to get a break from the ads that often play between videos — but want to turn it back on, you can easily do so in just a few easy steps.
Here’s how to turn on autoplay on YouTube on a computer or mobile device.
This will impact the autoplay for each video you watch on the site using that device:
1. Go to youtube.com and log into your account, if necessary.
2. Play a video by clicking on it.
3. In the video player, click the “Settings” button — it’s the gear icon in the bottom toolbar of the player.
4. Toggle the “Autoplay” switch back on in the Settings pop-up menu. It’ll turn red when it’s on.
The process is slightly different on mobile, but works whether you have an Android or iPhone:
1. Open the YouTube app.
2. Tap to play a video.
3. Next to the “Up Next” section, below the player, toggle the autoplay switch back on. It’ll turn blue when it’s on.
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