Hey tiatira,
The Docker for Beginner course is complete. It is accessible online for the Pro members. We'll also make it available in eBook format later.
What else do you get in this edition of LHB Linux Digest:
- Sar command guide
- Crontab logs
- A new code editor
- Tools and memes for Linux lovers
Get Certified at a Discount
To celebrate the SysAdmin appreciation day (last Friday of July), Linux Foundation is running offers on its training and certifications. Certifications can be helpful for DevOps career aspirants. So take advantage of the offer and get certification exams at a reduced pricing.
Linux Tips and Tutorials
What went wrong with your cron job? The answer can be found in the logs.
The sar command gives you the historical data of system resource usage.
DevOps Tutorials
Blocks are a powerful feature in Ansible that allows you to group tasks together and apply common attributes to all tasks within the block.
Also learn about the replace module in Ansible.
Here's why you should get LHB Pro membership:
Get access to Linux for DevOps, Docker, Ansible and other text courses
Get access to SSH for beginners video course
Get 5 premium books on Bash, Linux and Ansible for free
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Quick Terminal tip
Put a space before a command and it won't be registered in the history.
Zed is a new code editor to rival Microsoft VS Code. It is now available on Linux.
Geek humor
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