Lirik dan Chord Lagu Something in the Way – Nirvana
JAKARTA, – “Something in the Way” merupakan salah satu lagu populer yang diciptakan oleh Kurt Cobain, vokalis grup Nirvana.
Lagu ini dirilis pada 1991 sebagai trek penutup dalam album terhit mereka yang bertajuk Nevermind.
Berkat film The Batman, lagu ini kembali menduduki peringkat kedua dalam tangga lagu Billboard kategori US Rock Digital Songs Sales.
Baca juga: Lagu Something In The Way Nirvana Kembali Melejit Berkat The Batman
Berikut lirik dan chord lagu “Something in the Way” dari Nirvana.
[Verse 1]
Fm C#
Underneath the bridge
Fm C#
The tarp has sprung a leak
Fm C#
And the animals I’ve trapped
Fm C#
Have all become my pets
Fm C#
And I’m living off of grass
Fm C#
And the drippings from the ceiling
Fm C#
It’s okay to eat fish
Fm C#
‘Cause they don’t have any feelings
Fm C# Fm C#
Something in the way, mmm
Fm C# Fm C#
Something in the way, yeah, mmm
Fm C# Fm C#
Something in the way, mmm
Fm C# Fm C#
Something in the way, yeah, mmm
Fm C# Fm C#
Something in the way, mmm
Fm C# Fm C#
Something in the way, yeah, mmm
[Verse 2]
Fm C#
Underneath the bridge
Fm C#
The tarp has sprung a leak
Fm C#
And the animals I’ve trapped
Fm C#
Have all become my pets
Fm C#
And I’m living off of grass
Fm C#
And the drippings from the ceiling
Fm C#
It’s okay to eat fish
Fm C#
‘Cause they don’t have any feelings
Fm C# Fm C#
Something in the way, mmm
Fm C# Fm C#
Something in the way, yeah, mmm
Fm C# Fm C#
Something in the way, mmm
Fm C# Fm C#
Something in the way, yeah, mmm
Fm C# Fm C#
Something in the way, mmm
Fm C# Fm C#
Something in the way, yeah, mmm
Fm C# Fm C#
Something in the way, mmm
Fm C# Fm C#
Something in the way, yeah
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