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The 2022 QCon London and QCon Plus tracks featured in-depth technical talks from senior software practitioners covering developer enablement, resilient architectures, modern Java, Machine Learning, WebAssembley, modern data pipelines, the emerging Staff-Plus engineer path, and more.
Ballerina has been designed as a Data-Oriented programming language and supports a functional programming coding style. The Ballerina query language is similar to SQL in the sense that a query expression is made up of clauses. The Ballerina “Table” data structure can be more effective than maps in representing indexed data collections
In this annual report, the InfoQ editors discuss the current state of AI, ML, and data engineering and what emerging trends you as a software engineer, architect, or data scientist should watch. We curate our discussions into a technology adoption curve with supporting commentary to help you understand how things are evolving.
At the MVP stage – do only the stuff you would do in a hackathon. Scalability and processes will become important once we have predictable revenue streams. Where are you generating your unique value proposition? Outsource all aspects of the tech solution which are not in a relationship with your competitive advantage. Follow a general tech directive but balance it with the team’s autonomy.
The reality is that configuration drift will remain unavoidable for the foreseeable future. An EaaS solution, coupled with an IaC platform and good change management policies will help you prevent drift and shorten your development cycles.
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Understand the emerging software trends you should pay attention to. Attend in-person on Oct 24-28, 2022.
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InfoQ Homepage News MLGO Framework Brings Machine Learning in Compiler Optimizations
Jul 14, 2022 2 min read
Google’s new Machine Learning Guided Optimization (MLGO) is an industrial-grade general framework for integrating machine-learning (ML) techniques systematically in a compiler and in particular in LLVM, an open-source industrial compiler infrastructure that is ubiquitous for building mission-critical, high-performance software.
The Google AI Blog explored the release.
Compiling faster and smaller code can significantly reduce the operational cost of large datacenter applications. The size of compiled code matters the most to mobile and embedded systems or software deployed on secure boot partitions, where the compiled binary must fit in tight code-size budgets.
In a standard compiler, the decisions about the optimizations are made by heuristics, but heuristics become increasingly difficult to improve over time. Heuristics are algorithms that, empirically, produce reasonably optimal results for hard problems, within pragmatic constraints (e.g. "reasonably fast"). In the compiler case, heuristics are widely used in optimization passes, even those leveraging profile feedback, such as inlining and register allocation. Such passes have a significant impact on the performance of a broad variety of programs. These problems are often NP-hard and searching for optimal solutions may require exponentially increasing amounts of time or memory.
Recent research has shown that ML can help with these tasks and unlock more code optimization than the complicated heuristics can. In real code, during the inlining phase, the compiler traverses a huge call graph, because there are thousands of functions calling each other. This operation is performed on all caller-callee pairs and the compiler makes decisions on whether to inline a caller-callee pair or not. This is a sequential decision process as previous inlining decisions will alter the call graph, affecting later decisions and the final result.
Reinforcement learning (RL) is a family of ML techniques that may be applied to find increasingly optimal solutions through an automated iterative exploration and training process. MLGO uses RL to train neural networks to make decisions that can replace heuristics in LLVM. The MLGO framework supports only two kinds of optimizations: inline-for-size and register-allocations-for-performance.
The MLGO framework is trained with the internal Google code base and tested on the code of Fuchsia — a general-purpose open-source operating system designed to power a diverse ecosystem of hardware and software where binary size is critical. For inline-for-size optimization, MLGO achieves a 3% to 7% size reduction. Similar to the inlining-for-size policy, the register allocation (regalloc-for-performance) policy, MLGO achieves up to 1.5% improvement in queries per second (QPS) on a set of internal large-scale datacenter applications.
This framework is still in a research phase. Google says its future goals are to expand the number of optimizations and apply better ML algorithms.
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