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UK quantum startup ORCA Computing has made its second sale to a national government in consecutive months, to aid development of the new Israeli Quantum Computing Centre
Tel Aviv-based Quantum Machines has purchased an ORCA PT-1 model — the first computer of its kind able to work at room temperature and on-site — with the sale being announced by the Israel Innovation Authority.
With this agreement, ORCA will look to help develop a research and development base for industry and academia in Israel, to produce new applications and use cases.
The deal marks the second sale of an ORCA machine to a national Government, the first being to the UK Ministry of Defence (MoD), last month.
“We’re delighted to help establish quantum computing in Israel and look forward to developing applications and uses,” said ORCA Computing CEO, Richard Murray.
“This is a significant milestone for us as the second sale we’ve made to a government. It also involves a commitment beyond the initial computer to future upgraded models.”
Orit Farkash-Hacohen, Israeli Minister of Innovation, Science and Technology, described the new centre as “a substantial leap in the Israeli civilian technology’s fortitude.”
The newly announced Israeli Quantum Computing Centre is establishing a global network of partners to support three different quantum processing technologies: superconducting qubits; cold ions; and photonic qubits.
ORCA, the only UK-based startup in the network, allows small scale photonic processors — which use single units of light — to be applied to complex machine learning and optimisation tasks.
Quantum Machines is also partnering with US-based ColdQuanta and QuantWare, a developer based in the Netherlands.
8 Israeli start-ups disrupting how you think about data — At a recent edition of the IT Press Tour in Tel Aviv, Information Age met up with eight Israeli start-ups that are disrupting IT infrastructure and data management.
Organisations expect commercial quantum application in coming years, says Capgemini — Capgemini research has revealed that organisations are increasing investment and exploration in quantum technologies, with 23% expecting their first commercial applications in three to five years.
The pace of change has never been this fast, yet it will never be this slow again.
25 August 2022 / With Dragos research finding cyber attacks targeting the energy sector across Europe, we explore how the industry can mitigate rising threats.
23 August 2022 / Open source software has numerous advantages from flexibility and scalability to lower costs, but does it beat proprietary alternatives?
23 August 2022 / Continuing with our series exploring innovative tech hubs around the world, we take a look at what the Eindhoven tech scene has to offer.
19 August 2022 / Major security vulnerabilities “actively exploited” within iPhones, iPads and Macs have been disclosed by Apple.
18 August 2022 / David Drai, CEO and co-founder of Anodot, identifies five ways in which augmented analytics can protect the revenue of organisations.
17 August 2022 / BCS, The Chartered Institute for IT, has appointed former IBM executive Rashik Parmar MBE as its new group chief executive, effective 1st October.
17 August 2022 / The new Cloudera Data Platform (CDP) One data lakehouse service enables self-service analytics and exploratory data science in one location.
17 August 2022 / Former Procore and Salesforce executive Ani Abrahamian has joined the leadership team at smart building company Infogrid as its new CTO and interim CPO.
16 August 2022 / Password management provider 1Password has appointed former Cisco and Shogun executive Steve Won as its new chief product officer.
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