There is no suggestion the Prime Minister did anything wrong in accepting the donations, which were in line with the ministerial code. But it will raise fresh questions over his political judgement
Donors with links to offshore tax havens helped fund Rishi Sunak ’s Tory leadership campaign.
He accepted at least £60,000 from seven companies and individuals with links to the Cayman Islands, Luxembourg, Jersey, Bermuda and the British Virgin Islands, records show.
There is no suggestion the Prime Minister did anything wrong in accepting the donations, which were in line with the ministerial code.
But it will raise fresh questions over his political judgement.
Tax Justice UK chief Robert Palmer said tonight: “Tax havens have no place in our politics.
“The Prime Minister should end the loopholes associated with these jurisdictions and consider paying back any money received from them.”
Analysis of records reveals James Diner, a wealthy asset manager, gave Mr Sunak £10,000 and use of a plane to the value of £5,100.
Mr Diner’s company, DSAM Partners is, ultimately owned by a firm registered in the Cayman Islands.
Another £5,000 was donated by Hardy McLain, a retired US hedge fund manager who founded Luxembourg-based private equity firm CVC Capital Partners, of which he remains a board member.
There was £10,000 from property investment company Queensway Admin Ltd, owner of the private members’ Sloane Club in posh Chelsea, West London.
The firm is based in London but its most recent accounts show “the directors regard Naaz investment holdings, a company registered in Jersey, as the ultimate holding company”.
Access Self Storage, owned by a British Virgin Islands-based investor, handed Mr Sunak £10,000.
There was also £10,000 from William Salomon, a director of Bermuda-based investment vehicle Ocean Wilsons Holdings Limited and a major shareholder in the Guernsey-registered Hansa group.
David Esfandi, chief executive of Canaccord UK, donated £5,000 to Ready4Rishi. The wealth management company has a holding company based in Jersey.
Hotelier Al-Karim Nathoo, a director of Ocean House Development, whose parent company is based in Jersey, gave £10,000.
Last week we revealed donations totalling £141,000 from supporters with ties to oil, gas and aviation helped fund Ready4Rishi.
The campaign was bankrolled by almost £500,000 of donations by City figures, despite Mr Sunak’s £730million fortune with wife Akshata, 42.
Mr Sunak came under fire while Chancellor earlier this year over his Indian heiress wife’s then nom-dom status, before she said she would pay UK tax on her overseas income.
His donations came from individuals living in the UK.
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