The self-taught chef, whose restaurant Alice was ranked 50th on last year’s list of Canada’s 100 best restaurants, talks about her win, her food, and what lies ahead.
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Ottawa chef Briana Kim has taken a unique journey to become the winner of last weekend’s Canadian Culinary Championship.
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The chef-owner of the acclaimed restaurant Alice is in her late 30s, studied political science at the University of Ottawa, and worked at Health Canada before becoming a culinary entrepreneur. In 2009, she opened Café My House, a low-key Bank Street restaurant that was unabashedly vegan, in keeping with Kim’s own eating preferences.
Since then, the self-taught chef’s ambitions and achievements have only ascended, in a stepwise but unbounded fashion. Café My House moved to Hintonburg, and its food became more elevated. In 2019, after Kim closed Café My House and opened Alice, her plant-based menus became still more sophisticated. That’s as you would expect, given Kim’s interest in the cutting edge of elite fine dining, which in recent years prompted her to visit and learn at world-class restaurants Eleven Madison Park in New York and Noma in Copenhagen.
Kim demonstrated the calibre of her cooking when she won Ottawa’s Gold Medal Plates competition in the fall of 2017, qualifying to compete months later at the Canadian Culinary Championship in Kelowna, B.C. Kim did not make it onto the podium that year. The event subsequently moved to Ottawa, enabling Kim to be crowned Saturday night before a hometown crowd at the Shaw Centre.
Below, Kim, whose restaurant was ranked 50th on last year’s list of Canada’s 100 best restaurants, offers concise answers about her win, her food, and what lies ahead.
Q: Going into the competition, what did you think were your chances to win or do well?
A: I tried not to think about my chances too much. Instead, I leaned into my own experience from 2018 and used the lessons I learned to prepare for the competition meticulously.
Q: How significant, from a competitive point of view, was it that you made the only plant-based dish in the competition? What do you think were the pros and cons of not making an animal-protein-based dish?
A: I think our win helps (people) to understand that any ingredients can become interesting and satisfying if the right techniques and layers of flavours are applied. I’d say creating complexity and umami with plant-based ingredients can be more challenging than with animal protein.
Q: Of all the dishes you’ve made at Alice, what makes your Canadian Culinary Championship dish special?
A: We get the comments about the complexity and uniqueness of flavours most often. It is the application of ferments such as green tomato brine, koji, preserved rhubarb and cured maitake mushrooms that makes the dish special. The national judge James Chatto described it as deeply savoury and magical.
Q: Is your winning dish on Alice’s menu now?
A: It is currently part of our Forest Menu for a few more weeks until we launch the Cellar Menu in April. Some components may come back on the menu, but we don’t keep anything on the menu for too long.
Q: You’re a self-taught chef and you’ve been resolutely plant-based for years, quite apart from more conventional and carnivorous chefs. Do you feel validated by this weekend’s win?
A: Yes. Not everyone understood the commitment and intentions behind a project like Alice at first. But we saw a path and never wavered. When you’re doing something different, you’re often faced with skepticism. But we learned to use it as a motivation.
Q: Do you think or hope you will influence other chefs?
A: I hope it is inspiring and encouraging for chefs who are paving their own paths.
Q: You’re now one of three national culinary champions from the Ottawa area, joining Yannick LaSalle and Marc Lepine. Is there something about Ottawa’s culinary scene that helps champions develop?
A: I think Ottawa welcomes creativity and unique experiences. This allows us to push the boundaries more and see what’s possible.
Q: You and Marc Lepine, whose restaurant Atelier is around the corner from Alice, share some common interests with respect to innovating in the kitchen. How would you describe his influence?
A: I think chef Marc has inspired a lot of chefs across the country, including myself, to be curious and innovative. It is inspiring to us to see the constant innovation from Atelier every menu.
Q: What’s next for you?
A: We hope to build a fermentation lab in the near future, and are planning on a fermented juice collaboration with a company in Copenhagen.
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