To investigate database page corruption, you might dump your tables from the database with SELECT ... INTO OUTFILE....
duy_dang2110 2015-03-26 13:36:38 Member Offline Registered: 2013-12-09 Posts: 43 Topic: Session timeout immediate ==== Required information ====–...
I have been migrating an older server running apache2 + mysql under ubuntu to a new server...
session expired iredmail 1. roundcubemodify/opt/www.roundcubemail/config/$config[‘ip_check’]= true;change to$config[‘ip_check’]= false;Try changing $rcmail_config[‘session_lifetime’] in /config/ to 0 2. IredadminModify/opt/www/iredmail/libs/iredbase.pyweb.config.session_parameters[‘ignore_change_ip’] = Falsechange...
This article is part of the on going Unix sed command tutorial series. In our previous articles...
SED command in UNIX stands for stream editor and it can perform lots of functions on file...
I want to pause input in a shell script, and prompt the user for choices.The standard Yes, No, or Cancel type...
Question: I have been using IDENTIFIED BY ‘password’ along with GRANT statement for years in many MySQL...
I’m looking for something like createdb in PostgreSQL or any other solution that would allow me to...
I’m trying to execute a simple insert query to mysql database, but it gives me this error:...
I’m building a Bash script for some tasks. One of those tasks is create a MySQL DB...
NFS or Network File System is a distributed file system protocol that allows you to share directories...
NFS (Network File Share) is a protocol that allows you to share directories and files with other Linux clients in...
My problem started off with me not being able to log in as root any more on...
dpkg-query(1) dpkg suite dpkg-query(1) NAME top dpkg-query - a tool to query the dpkg...
Each MySQL version is tested on many platforms before it is released. This does not mean that...
Due to lost of pid file of my server, I can’t stop mysql using normal commands like which...
192 I want to keep a backup of all my MySQL databases. I have more than 100...
In this tutorial we are going to learn how to restore single MySQL database from a mysql...
Managing user accounts on Ubuntu Linux may involve listing the users on a system, creating a new...