Your bank routing number and a unique account number are assigned when you open an account. You can find both of these at the bottom of paper checks or via your online account. These numbers are also needed when you do electronic bank transfers or wires online. Find out how the numbers differ and how to use them.
- Account and routing numbers work together to identify your account and ensure that your money ends up in the right place.
- Financial institution routing numbers are known as RTNs (Routing Transit Numbers) or ABA (American Bankers Association) routing numbers.
- Both numbers are required to complete many basic banking transactions.
- The routing number indicates what bank your account is held in.
- The account number is your unique identifier at that bank.
Routing Number vs. Account Number
To make many financial transactions such as setting up a direct deposit or ordering checks online, you will need both your bank’s routing number and your account number.1
Account numbers are like customer IDs or fingerprints specific to each accountholder. Routing and account numbers are assigned to indicate precisely where funds in a transaction are coming from and going.
Similarly, routing numbers identify each banking institution with a unique numerical ID. Any time you make an electronic funds transfer, for instance, the routing and account numbers must be provided to the relevant financial institutions.
Routing numbers are nine digits long, and account numbers are usually between nine and 12 digits, although some may be longer.2
Check also contains a routing symbol in the top corner, usually just below the individual check number. This symbol is usually three or four digits and also identifies the bank. It is not used much anymore.
Routing Number
The routing number (sometimes referred to as an ABA routing number, short for the American Bankers Association) is a sequence of nine digits used by banks to identify specific financial institutions within the U.S. This number proves that the bank is a federal- or state-chartered institution and maintains an account with the Federal Reserve.3
ABA routing numbers were once used with paper checks, and ACH routing numbers were associated with electronic transfers and withdrawals on accounts. However, most banks today use one routing number for all transactions.4
When do I need my routing number? Your account and routing numbers are required for every conceivable banking transaction, whether within the bank where the account is held or between banking institutions.
Small banks generally possess just one routing number, while large multinational banks can have several different ones, usually based on the state in which you hold the account. Routing numbers are most commonly required when reordering checks, for payment of consumer bills, to establish a direct deposit (such as a paycheck), or for tax payments.
The routing numbers used for domestic and international wire transfers aren’t the same as those listed on your checks. However, they can easily be obtained online or by contacting your bank.
Account Number
The account number works in conjunction with the routing number. While the routing number identifies the financial institution’s name, the account number—usually between eight and 12 digits—identifies your account. If you hold two accounts at the same bank, the routing numbers will, in most cases, be the same, but your account numbers will be different.
Anyone can locate a bank’s routing number, but your account number is unique to you, so it is important to guard it, just as you would your Social Security number or PIN code.
How To Find Your Routing and Account Numbers
You can find your account and routing numbers at the bottom left side of paper checks issued from your checking account. Alternatively, you can often find the routing number when you log into an online banking portal.
Because your financial institution’s routing number isn’t unique to your account, you may be able to simply find it online. Just make sure the website you use is the one owned by your bank or credit union.5
Tip : If you don’t have a check handy and you need to know your routing and account numbers, you can check your bank’s website or app. When you get to your account, click on the full account number, and it should show you the routing number. You can also call your bank and ask for the bank’s routing number and account number after you verifiy your identity.
Routing Number vs. Account Number Example
At the bottom of a check, you will see three sets of numbers. The 9-digit routing numbers typically appear as the first group, account numbers are the second group of numbers and check numbers are the third number. Sometimes, however, such as on cashier’s checks, those numbers can appear in a different sequence.
This series of numbers is embedded with magnetic ink, known as your check’s MICR (Magnetic Ink Character Recognition) line. Pronounced “micker,” the magnetic ink enables each bank’s processing equipment to read and process the account information.
How Do I Find My Routing Number and Account Number?
You can find both sets of numbers in a few places, including on your checks, bank statement, on your mobile banking app, or the bank’s website. Routing numbers are usually printed at the left-hand bottom of your check and your checking account number will follow it.5
Which Comes First, Account Number or Routing Number?
The routing number appears first, followed by the account number. This is because a routing number is how a financial institution identifies itself and, coupled with your banking account number, it can be used to find your account.
Which Routing Number Do You Use for a Direct Deposit?
To receive money from a direct deposit, the person or institution making the deposit will need your bank’s routing number, along with your account number, for you to receive the funds.1
Why Do I Have Two Routing Numbers?
While no two banks will have the same routing number, it isn’t unusual for large financial institutions to have many routing numbers, which are specific to the state or location where your account is held.
What Is an IBAN Number?
An IBAN is an international bank account number, a global standard for sending bank payments. It consists of 34 alphanumeric characters that identify the country, bank, branch, and account.
North American, Australian, and Asian countries don’t use the IBAN for domestic money transfers, and will only do so when sending a payment to a country that has adopted the IBAN.
The Bottom Line
If you are ever unsure which number is which between your routing and account numbers, you can contact your banking institution. Always remember to doublecheck both numbers whenever you provide them to another party. This will ensure a seamless transaction that avoids delays or associated bank charges stemming from the funds ending up in an incorrect account.
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Julia Ingall is a communications all-rounder. She has spent 10+ years as creative director for Inkubate.
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Updated December 20, 2023
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